UCL EPSRC Mathematical Sciences DTP - Doctoral Studentships Competition
Studentships with starting date in September 2021
The UCL EPSRC Mathematical Sciences DTP Studentships Competition aims to recruit outstanding students to undertake fully-funded PhD studentships at UCL.
Applications for studentships starting in the 2021/22 academic session are now open. Closing date: 25-Apr-2021.
Studentships provide 4 years’ fees (UK/EU rate) and maintenance stipend (for eligible students) at the UCL EPSRC DTP enhanced rate (£18,609 in 2021/22, rises with inflation each year). Studentships are automatically renewed each year provided that sufficient academic progress is made. Students also receive an RTSG (Research Training Support Grant) of £4,800 to cover additional costs of training eg courses, project costs, conferences, travel. Students will be initially registered for 4 years and are expected to submit their thesis within the 4 year funded period. The project should be designed and supervised to facilitate this.
Thesis submission before 4 years is possible if all academic requirements are met.
Student eligibility
Applicants must fulfil the academic entry requirements for the programme they are applying to. Further eligibility criteria are based on nationality and residence:
- UK nationals are eligible provided they meet residency requirements.
- EU nationals with settled status are eligible.
- EU nationals with pre-settled status are eligible provided they meet residency requirements.
- Irish nationals living in UK or Ireland are eligible
- Those who have indefinite leave to remain or enter are eligible.
- All others are classified as “International”.
Residency requirements for UK nationals:
- living in EEA or Switzerland on 31-Dec-2020 (at that time UK was considered part of EEA) and lived in UK, EEA, Switzerland, or Gibraltar for at least 3 years immediately before the studentship begins
- lived continuously in UK, EEA, Switzerland, or Gibraltar between 31-Dec-2020 and the start of the studentship
Residency requirements for EU, EEA, or Swiss nationals with pre-settled status:
- living in UK by 31-Dec-2020 (a requirement to receive pre-settled status)
- living in UK, EEA, Switzerland, or Gibraltar for at least 3 years immediately before the studentship begins
These studentships are offered with open eligibility, however the number of International students which can be recruited is capped according to the EPSRC terms and conditions.
Degree Programme and Project Eligibility
You are applying for an MPhil/PhD programme in the Mathematical Sciences, but you can be based in any UCL Faculty. These studentships may not be used to apply to EPSRC and UKRI CDTs (Centres for Doctoral Training). The research project must lie within the EPSRC Mathematical Sciences remit — the EPSRC’s website provides information on the Themes and Research Areas within this remit.
You can either choose a project from our list (these have already been checked against the Mathematical Sciences remit) or create your own. If you are proposing your own project, then it is your responsibility to identify a proposed supervisor. Your proposed project supervisor must agree to support your application.
Potential supervisors can be from any department around UCL, but if you have an idea in the Mathematical Sciences and are looking for a supervisor, the most likely places to start are:
How to Apply
To apply for a funded studentship you have two choices. You can either choose a pre-approved project or submit your own project proposal.
To apply for one or more of the pre-approved projects listed under “Pre-approved projects” at the main DTP page, note down the project reference code(s) to use in your application form. If you wish to propose your own project proposal, you need to identify a UCL supervisor and get their agreement to supervise the project before you submit your application.
The application is a two-step process. Each stage is to be completed online using the forms here (registration) and here (full application).