BAR-JDM workshop
Hypothetical trial
Q1: I think the response rate on methotrexate will be:
Q2: I am 75% sure that the response rate on methotrexate will be less than:
Q3: I think that the odds ratio on response for baricitinib relative to methotrexate will exceed 1.0 with probability:
Q4: I think that the odds ratio on response for baricitinib relative to methotrexate will exceed 2.0 with probability:
Qa: Sample size of methotrexate arm:
Qb: Sample size of baricitinib arm:
Qc: Number of successes in methotrexate arm:
Qd: Number of successes in baricitinib arm:
Control arm prior
Relative effect prior
Experimental arm prior
All priors
Control arm posterior
Relative effect posterior
Experimental arm posterior
All posteriors